SPACE - Library 2 - Volume 1.iso
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This is the documentation for the program Sound.prg which inter-
faces to the sound chip of the ST.The interface is such that you
can address each channel separately by clicking the mouse over
the designated area. The interface is color coded as follows:
Red indicates that part is off and Green indicates that part is
When you first open sound.prg you will see InSoft at the top in
green. By clicking in that area you will be getting out of the
program. The three areas named CHANNEL A, CHANNEL B and CHANNEL C
are for the three channels of the ST. Freq. is for the frequency,
ADSR is for the waveform and Vol is for the volume for that per-
spective channel. The areas below that give the magnitudes for
that function. For frequency there is a range of numbers. The
ADRS has 10 waveforms along with a period shown on the right side
of the column which will also have a range. The volume has six-
teen levels.
By clicking the mouse you can change particular levels of a chan-
nel or turn the channel off completely. The Freq., ADSR and Vol.
for each channel are a function of each other. When the ADSR is
on the frequency and volume are off and the same goes for when the
frequency and volume are on. Clicking on one will effect the other
The initial state for this program is CHANNEL A, B and C are off.
When the channels are clicked on then the functions below will
take over. The area will fill with green at this time. See
AY38910.doc for a quick reference guide for the ST sound chip and
stsound1.c for a simple sound program.
Sound.c and sound1.c are the c source for sound.prg. The c pro-
grams were compiled separately and then linked with sound.c call-
ing the function "test" in sound1.c. All declarations are before
main() in sound.c and test() in sound.c which means they are exter-
nal and values will hold across the function call.
Program specs
-Frequency range is 80hz to 10Khz
-ADSR envelope range is 0.1 to 8 seconds
The envelope is small column in ADSR